We do our best to help all customers to full satisfaction. When you have a complaint or other problem please contact us as soon as possible through our general mail address info@chromeit.nl

If we can not rosolve the issue you can report any unresolved issues at the European ODR platform The ODR platform can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/odr 

Here you can opt for alternative dispute resolution. Alternative dispute resolution is the term used to describe all the different ways of resolving a complaint that don't involve going to court.

Typically what happens is that you ask a neutral third party to step in and act as an intermediary between you and the trader you're complaining about.
The intermediary might suggest a solution to your complaint, impose a solution on you and the other party or just bring you both together to discuss how to find a solution.

You might know alternative dispute resolution as "mediation", "conciliation", "arbitration", "ombudsman" or "complaints' board". Compared with going to court, alternative dispute resolution usually costs less, is less formal and quicker.




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